Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Excessive Comparison Leads to Own Destruction

Who knows what "compare" word means? Dunno? Lets check the dictionary.

· v.
1 (often compare something to/with) estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between. Ø (compare something to) point out or describe the resemblances of something with; liken to. Ø (usu. compare with) be similar to or have a specified relationship with another thing or person: salaries compare favourably with those of other professions.
2 Grammar form the comparative and superlative degrees of (an adjective or an adverb).
– PHRASES beyond (or without) compare surpassing all others of the same kind. compare notes exchange ideas or information about a particular subject.
– ORIGIN ME: from OFr. comparer, from L. comparare, from compar ‘like, equal’.

When I was small, mum keep comparing my result with everyone around me, my friends, my cousin, my neighbours, the milkman's son, the gardner's daughter and the list go on. I sometimes really hate my mum for doing this to me. But deep in my heart, I know mum is motivating and encouraging me to do better, to strive for excellence. On the hand, excessive comparison sometimes can lead to unhealthy competition between peers. I always believe there is someone who are always better than myself and there is someone who are always worse than myself. And I used to tell my friends that " You see me good, I see you good", if you understanding what I'm talking bout.

Earlier on today, I recieved a call from my close buddy telling me his mother is very ill and maybe cannot make it. I was worried and felt sad for him. I console him try to make him better. I told him that I felt his pain coz my close relative just passed away and I was really down and depressed. But my close buddy, should I call him blardy bastard for once, asked me back did my close relative do this and that for me, did my relative cooked for me or care me like his mother did for him. And I was WTF!!!! Come on, I know she is your mother and both of you are close, but you should not make that FUCKING comparison. NiMaGeHai.. I not sure he how came to this conclusion, indirectly telling me that her mother are more close and important to him compared my relative to me. Diu lar.... although, I and my relative are not close but I felt the freaking loss and I really miss my relative. So bottom line, who the hell give you the right to judge my loss.

Anyway, I know my buddy was confused, stress, sad and down... I forgive him but please do bear in mind, don't take things for granted because you are sad or down and make the mistake again. You will hurt your close one unnecessarily. So cheers... and I hope your mum do get well soon.


Anonymous said...

chill la dude,ur friend is probably depressed at that time. take it easy, i'm sure he didnt mean it.

k u k u j i o a m a n said...

Yes, he called me today and apologize already..

So cheers...