Friday, October 03, 2008

Trapped In A Dream...

Dreams or dreaming... Sounds like fun and mellow thing to do when sleeping. What about nightmares or recurring dreams?? Do you wake up sweating? Scared? Cried? I know I did before. For me, dream is a mystery fascination of ourselves in other world. Who know where and what. Talking on dream topic. I had a closed friend who dreamt about his partner cheating on her. I knew both of them very well, just like the back for my hands. I won't go into details. My friend woke up terrified and frustrated. He and I know a dream can be sometimes unreal. But what if the dream was so real, I mean fucking real till you felt a sharp pain in your heart. At first, my friend can't get it over of that dream. Why?? Cause it felt so real. He told me that he tried really really hard to wake up from the dream. And he did after struggling for while. But once he got back to his sleep, the dream slowly came creeping back to his mind. Isn't it scary!!! He kept continued to dream till the end. He saw the whole thing which he thought he should not see it. He really scare that the dream has put a scar in his mind and the scar will grow to become a tumor or a disease in his soul. Leaving him with biased opinion and uncontrollable urge to hurt her feelings. Sometimes, the truth is mend to kept away forever if someone really can't handle the truth. Sometimes, it is good to know the truth and take initiative to avoid this happen. Aiks, so contradicting!!! So which is which? To know or not to know the truth. You tell me...

We had a little up close and personal chat on this weird dream. Really thought it over and make up his mind. He firmed that he will get over it and it just a fucking dream. He won't let a fucking weird dream run him over so easily. A dream, is just a dream. That's it. Nothing more that. Told him to talk to his partner, to keep the relationship healthy. Imagine, just a stupid weird dream that you can't get over it causes a relationship to become brittle. Worth it?? I guess it is NO-NO for me. So fuck dream, but hey, I welcomed more WET DREAMS!!! Coz it can be so fucking real!!! Or it can be real fucking??? Get it?? Hahahahaa!!! Dream on, guys and gals.... and THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!! Any plans for the weekend??

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